Plate CI-II Variations in Greek Architecture depicting a table of columns from monuments of antiquity from Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E. and F.N. Spon Ltd., 1900 Reproduction

by Piranesi


Title:Plate CI-II Variations in Greek Architecture depicting a table of columns from monuments of antiquity from Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E. and F.N. Spon Ltd., 1900
Artist:Giovanni Battista Piranesi Reproductions




Next Paintings

Plate LXV Architectural capriccio of a monumental group of columns supporting two arches of a grand courtyard with magnificent fountains ornamented with statues and bas-reliefs dated 1743 from Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E a F.N. Spon Ltd., Reproduction
Plate LXXIII-IV Capriccio of architectural ruins and antiquities, illustration for chapter entitled Pantheon and Temples of Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E and F.N. Spon Ltd., 1900 Reproduction
Plate LXXXIV-V Demonstration in large scale of part of the Portico of the Pantheon from Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E and F.N. Spon Ltd., 1900 Reproduction
Plate LXXXVIII-IX Demonstration in large scale of parts of the first order of columns inside the Pantheon from Vedute, first published in 1756, published by E. and F.N. Spon Ltd., 1900 Reproduction
Plate XC-I Large scale Illustration of a detail of the Portico of the Pantheon from Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E. and F.N Spon Ltd., 1900 Reproduction
Plate XCIII Large scale illustration of a detail from the Portico of the Pantheon from Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E. and F.N. Spon Ltd., 1900 Reproduction
Plate XCVII-VIII View of the Flavian Amphitheatre, known as the Colosseum from Vedute, first published in 1756, pub. by E and F.N. Spon Ltd., 1900 Reproduction
Portrait of Giovanni Battista Piranesi 1720-78 1750 Reproduction

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