Chief Palou receives the ships officers of the Astrolabe, Tonga Tabou, plate 68 from Voyage de la corvette lAstrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Louis Leborne, pub. 1833 Reproduction

by Sainson, Louis Auguste de


Windsor Park Paling Reproduction
Donkey at Rest Reproduction

Title:Chief Palou receives the ships officers of the Astrolabe, Tonga Tabou, plate 68 from Voyage de la corvette lAstrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Louis Leborne, pub. 1833
Artist:(after) Sainson, Louis Auguste de Reproductions


The Taking of Excalibur Reproduction


Next Paintings

Djacamel and Bam, portraits of Tasmanian and Australian aborigines, plate 12 of Voyage de la corvette lAstrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Hippolyte Louis Garnier 1802-55, 1833 Reproduction
Interior view of the house of Chief Palous wives, Tonga Tabou, plate 73 from Voyage de la corvette lAstrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Jules David, pub. 1833 Reproduction
Natai, a Maori chief from Bream Bay, New Zealand, plate 63 from Voyage of the Astrolabe, engraved by Victor Adam, 1833 Reproduction
The Chiefs of Tikopia receiving the officers of the Astrolabe, plate 174 from Voyage de la corvette lAstrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Victor Adam, pub. 1833 Reproduction
The Kava ceremony with Chief Palou, Tonga Tabou, plate 69 from Voyage de la corvette l'Astrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Alexis Nicolas Noel, pub. 1833 Reproduction
Tonga-Tabou, Vadodai asks for an end to hostilities, plate 88 of Voyage de la corvette lAstrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Victor Adam, 1833 Reproduction
View of Cape Wangari, New Zealand, plate 49 from 'Voyage de la corvette lAstrolabe. Atlas historique, engraved by Felix Achille Saint-Aulaire and Victor Adam, pub. 1833 Reproduction

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