The Solemn Entrance of Emperor Charles V (1500-58), Francis I (1494-1547) and Alessandro Farnese (1546-92) to Paris in 1540, from the Sala dei Fasti Farnese, 1557-66 (detail) Reproduction

by Zuccaro


Plate 26 from Atlas Coelestis, by John Flamsteed 1646-1719, pub. in 1719 Reproduction

Title:The Solemn Entrance of Emperor Charles V (1500-58), Francis I (1494-1547) and Alessandro Farnese (1546-92) to Paris in 1540, from the Sala dei Fasti Farnese, 1557-66 (detail)
Artist:Taddeo Zuccaro Reproductions




Next Paintings

The Truce of Nice between Francis I (1494-1547) and Charles V (1500-58) from the Sala del Consiglio Trento Reproduction

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