Arab and Negro in the Service of the Guickwar, from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 pub. in London, 1858 Reproduction

by Rudder


Title:Arab and Negro in the Service of the Guickwar, from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 pub. in London, 1858
Artist:Louis Henri de Rudder Reproductions




Next Paintings

Buying Arms in Delhi, plate 34 from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 pub. in Paris, 1851 Reproduction
Cavalcade of Sikh Chieftains on Elephants, from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 pub. in London, 1858 Reproduction
Chir Singh, Maharaja of the Sikhs with the King of Punjab and his retinue from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 1849 Reproduction
Elephants of the Raja of Travandrum, from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 Reproduction
Festival of the Goddess Dourga at Calcutta, from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 pub. in London, 1858 Reproduction
Hunting Leopards Ready for the Chase, from Voyage in India, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 pub. in London, 1858 Reproduction
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Maharaja Sher Sing of the Punjab and his entourage out hunting, engraved by Louis Henri de Rudder 1807-81 Reproduction

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