St Sebastian Tended by Angels 1610-12 Reproduction

by Procaccini


Title:St Sebastian Tended by Angels 1610-12
Artist:Giulio Cesare Procaccini Reproductions
Museum:Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium




Next Paintings

St. Catherine Reproduction
The Annunciation, c.1610 Reproduction
The Betrayal of Christ Reproduction
The Martyrdom of SS. Rufina and Seconda, known as the three-handed picture, detail of an angel, painted in conjunction with Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli Morazzone 1571-1626 and Giulio Cesare Procaccini 1574-1625, before 1625 Reproduction
The Martyrdom of SS. Rufina and Seconda, known as the three-handed picture, detail of bound hands, painted in conjunction with Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli Morazzone 1571-1626 and Giulio Cesare Procaccini 1574-1625, before 1625 Reproduction
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