The Marriage at Cana 1563 Reproduction

by Veronese (Caliari)


The Princes of Orange and Their Families Riding Out from the Buitenhof 1623-25 Reproduction

Title:The Marriage at Cana 1563
Artist:Paolo Veronese (Caliari) Reproductions
Museum:Musée du Louvre, Paris, France




Next Paintings

The Marriage at Cana c. 1560 Reproduction
The Marriage Feast at Cana, c.1562 Reproduction
The Marriage Feast at Cana, detail of banqueting table with man in a green robe and dwarf with a parrot, c.1562 Reproduction
The Marriage Feast at Cana, detail of Christ and musicians, c.1562 Reproduction
The Marriage Feast at Cana, detail of musicians and dogs, c.1562 Reproduction
The Marriage Feast at Cana, detail of the left hand side, c.1562 Reproduction
The Marriage Feast at Cana, detail of the right hand side, c.1562 Reproduction
The Marriage of St Catherine Reproduction

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