The Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice Reproduction

by Canaletto


Title:The Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice
Artist:(Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto Reproductions




Next Paintings

The River Thames with St. Paul's Cathedral on Lord Mayor's Day, c.1747-48 Reproduction
The River Thames with St. Paul's Cathedral on Lord Mayor's Day, detail of boats by the shore, c.1747-48 Reproduction
The River Thames with St. Paul's Cathedral on Lord Mayor's Day, detail of boats on the shore, c.1747-48 Reproduction
The River Thames with St. Paul's Cathedral on Lord Mayor's Day, detail of rowing boats, c.1747-48 Reproduction
The River Thames with St. Paul's Cathedral on Lord Mayor's Day, detail of St. Paul's Cathedral, c.1747-48 Reproduction
The River Thames with St. Paul's Cathedral on Lord Mayor's Day, detail of the boats, c.1747-48 Reproduction
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The Rotunda of Ranelagh House Reproduction
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