Venice- Campo San Vidal and Santa Maria della Carita (The Stonemason's Yard) 1727-28 Reproduction

by Canaletto


Title:Venice- Campo San Vidal and Santa Maria della Carita (The Stonemason's Yard) 1727-28
Artist:(Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto Reproductions
Museum:National Gallery, London, England


The Barque of Dante (after Delacroix) Reproduction
La Peche Reproduction


Next Paintings

Venice- Piazza di San Marco and the Colonnade of the Procuratie Nuove, c.1756 Reproduction
Venice- The Baccio di S. Marco from S. Giorgio Maggiore, c.1740 Reproduction
Venice- The Baccio di S. Marco from S. Giorgio Maggiore, c.1740 Reproduction
Venice- the Bacino di S. Marco on Ascension Day Reproduction
Venice- The Feast Day of St. Roch (The Doge Visiting the Church and the Scuola di San Rocco) 1735 Reproduction
Venice- The Feast Day of St. Roch (The Doge Visiting the Church and the Scuola di San Rocco) 1735 Reproduction
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Venice- the Molo with Santa Maria della Salute c.1740-5 Reproduction
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View along the Riva degli Schiavoni, c.1740-5 Reproduction

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