Call for Artists: International Yearbook 2009 - Latino Art Museum, Pomona, CA, USA United States of America
Lawrence Buttigieg: Views of the Female - Auberge d’Italie, Valletta MT Malta
Call for Artists: New York and Eurpean Workshops 2005 and 2006 - Creativity Workshops, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Four Views: Denise Campbell, Charles Reddington, Yoli Salmona and Jules Sher - CharlesHewitt, Sydney AU Australia
William Christenberry: Photographs, 1961-2005 - Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC, USA United States of America
Alexander Sutulov: A Monumental Mural - The History of Chilean Mining - Universidad de Concepcion, Casilla CL Chile
Irving Penn: Platinum Prints - National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA
DOCKING STATION: Danh Vo – Package Tour - Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam NL
Lesley Fotherby: The Traditional and Spontaneous Eye - Chris Beetles, London UK United Kingdom
To Delight the Eye: French Drawings and Paintings from the Collection of Charles E. Dunlap - Fogg Art Museum, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA
Art in the Party: David Levi, Boyd Sugiki, Janusz Pozniak, James Mongrain, Pamina Traylor and Bandhu Dunham - Galerie Vee, Hong Kong HK Hong Kong