Belamcanda Reproduction

by Redouté


Artist:Pierre-Joseph Redouté Reproductions
Museum:Private collection


An Arabian Singer Reproduction


Next Paintings

Bouquet of flowers with roses, peonies, delphiniums and daisies Reproduction
Bouquet of Pansies, engraved by Victor, from Choix des Plus Belles Fleurs, 1827 Reproduction
Bromelia Ananas, from Les Bromeliaceae Reproduction
Bromelia Ananas, from Les Bromeliacees Reproduction
Bunch of Mixed Carnations and White Marigolds, 1839 Reproduction
Camellia Japonica, 1793 Reproduction
Camellias, Narcissus and Pansies, engraved by Victor, pub. 1827 Reproduction
Campanula, engraved by Victor, from Choix des Plus Belles Fleurs, 1827-33 Reproduction

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