An Astronomer, detail from a map of the planets, from 'A Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction

by Cellarius


Mountainous Landscape  Reproduction

Title:An Astronomer, detail from a map of the planets, from 'A Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe'
Artist:Andreas Cellarius Reproductions




Next Paintings

An Astronomer, detail from a map of the planets, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Ancient Hemispheres of the World, plate 94 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Ancient Hemispheres of the World, plate 94 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Astrological map from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Astrological map from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Astronomers looking through a telescope, detail from a map of the constellations from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Astronomers looking through a telescope, detail from a map of the constellations, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Celestial Planisphere Showing the Signs of the Zodiac, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Celestial Planisphere Showing the Signs of the Zodiac, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Celestial Planisphere Showing the Signs of the Zodiac, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' (2) Reproduction
Chart describing the Movement of the Planets, from 'A Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction

Related Paintings

Tycho Brahe's System, one of a series from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
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Composition O Reproduction
Coloured Forms II Reproduction
Woman with Black Stockings Reproduction
Map of Christian Constellations, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
Map of Christian Constellations, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
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