Planetary orbits, plate 18 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction

by Cellarius


Title:Planetary orbits, plate 18 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe'
Artist:Andreas Cellarius Reproductions


The Fairy Tale (or A Summer Day) Reproduction


Next Paintings

Planetary Theory, one of a series from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' 1660 Reproduction
Planisphere, from 'Atlas Coelestis' Reproduction
Ptolemaic System, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe', 1660-61 Reproduction
Scenographia: Systematis Copernicani Astrological Chart, c.1543, devised by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
The Conjunction of the Planets, from 'The Celestial Atlas, or The Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
The Copernican system of the sun, from the 'Harmonia Macrocosmica' 1660 Reproduction
The Copernican System,'Planisphaerium Copernicanum', c.1543, devised by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction
The Situation of the Earth in the Heavens, plate 74 from 'The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe' Reproduction

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