Battle of Trafalgar, 1805 Reproduction

by Chambers


The Volunteers in Sabots at the Battle of Valmy, 20th September 1792, illustration from 'Histoires de la Revolution Francoise' Reproduction
Ship at Sea Reproduction
Castle In A Wooded Landscape Reproduction

Title:Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
Artist:George Chambers Reproductions


Mujer Llorando Reproduction


Next Paintings

Battle of Trafalgar, 1805 2 Reproduction
Greenwich Reach at full tide Reproduction
H.M.S. Agamemnon lying off Greenwich, possibly when loading the Atlantic Telegraph cable Reproduction
H.M.S. Agamemnon lying off Greenwich, possibly when loading the Atlantic Telegraph cable Reproduction
Lugger Entering Margate Reproduction
Old Men-of-War at Anchor: boats in a Gale Reproduction
Old Men-of-War at Anchor: boats in a Gale Reproduction
On the Medway (Marines Going out to the Indiaman, Northfleet), 1839 Reproduction
On the Medway (Marines Going out to the Indiaman, Northfleet), 1839 Reproduction
On the Thames Reproduction
On the Thames Reproduction
Port on a Stormy Day, 1835 Reproduction

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