'Dangerous', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1833 Reproduction

by Herring Snr


Title:'Dangerous', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1833
Artist:John Frederick Herring Snr Reproductions


Susanna Bathing, 1555-56 Reproduction
Self Portrait of the Artist Reproduction
The Prostration of Bathsheba, c.1548 Reproduction
Italian Farmyard Reproduction
Italian Farmyard Scene Reproduction


Next Paintings

'Don John', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1838 Reproduction
'Don John', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1838 Reproduction
'Dr Syntax', a dark bay racehorse in a loose box Reproduction
'Dr Syntax', a dark bay racehorse in a loose box Reproduction
'Ebor', the Winner of the Great St. Leger at Doncaster, 1817 Reproduction
'Ebor', the Winner of the Great St. Leger at Doncaster, 1817 Reproduction
'Elis', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1836 Reproduction
'Elis', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1836 Reproduction
'Emilius', a bay racehorse in a paddock Reproduction
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'Euclid' with his Jockey Conolly and Trainer Pettit Reproduction
'Euclid' with his Jockey Conolly and Trainer Pettit Reproduction
'Filho da Puta', the Winner of the Great St. Leger at Doncaster, 1815 Reproduction
'Filho da Puta', the Winner of the Great St. Leger at Doncaster, 1815 Reproduction
'Frederick', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1829 Reproduction
'Frederick', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1829 Reproduction

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