Helene Mukhtar: East-West Graffiti - Art Gotham Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Relics of the Sea: Still Life Painting by Melody Phaneuf - North Shore Arts, Gloucester, MA, USA United States of America
Installation in Nature: Matthew Chase-Daniel - Stichting Natuurkunst Drenthe, Sleen NL Netherlands
Red Eyes and Sticky Fingers: Collage and Photomedia - Australian Center for Photography, Paddington, NS, AU
Master Makers: Stephen Rolfe Powell, A Retrospective - Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft, Louisville, KY, USA United States of America
Kindred: Artists Relfect on Relations and Relationships - Cube Gallery, Ottawa, ON, CA Canada
Call for Artists: Wanting Paper Cranes - Copad Arts, London UK United Kingdom
The Body. Art and Science - Nationalmuseum, Stockholm SE Sweden
Yin Zhi Xin - Solo Exhibition - Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai CN China
Power of the Portrait 2007 - ARTROM, Rome IT Italy
Amanda Dumas-Hernandez: Clean Thoughts - Groundfloor Gallery, Balmain, NS, AU Australia