Dancer and Tambourine Reproduction

by Degas


Icelandic Falcon, from Traite de Fauconnerie by H. Schlegel & A.H. Verster de Wulverhorst, 1844-53 Reproduction
The Broad Horned Antelope, from The Book of Antelopes Reproduction

Title:Dancer and Tambourine
Artist:Edgar Degas Reproductions




Next Paintings

Dancer arranging her hair, c.1900-12 Reproduction
Dancer at the Bar, c.1885 Reproduction
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Dancer at the Barre II Reproduction
Dancer At The Photographer's Studio Reproduction
Dancer Fastening her Pump, c.1880-85 Reproduction
Dancer Fixing her Slipper, c.1865 Reproduction
Dancer II Reproduction

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