Mustapha II (1664-1703) Sultan 1695-1703, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction

by Young


Title:Mustapha II (1664-1703) Sultan 1695-1703, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808
Artist:John Young Reproductions




Next Paintings

Mustapha III (1717-74) Sultan 1757-74, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction
Mustapha IV (1779-1808) Sultan 1807-8, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction
Othman (Osman) I (1259-1326), founder of the Ottoman empire, Sultan 1299-1326, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction
Othman (Osman) II (1603-22) Sultan 1618-22, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction
Othman (Osman) III (1699-1757) Sultan 1754-57, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction
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Selim II (1524-74) called 'Sari', the Blonde or the Sot, Sultan 1566-74, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction
Selim III (1761-1808) Sultan 1789-1807, from A Series of Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, 1808 Reproduction

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