Call for Artists: International Yearbook 2009 - Latino Art Museum, Pomona, CA, USA United States of America
Lawrence Buttigieg: Views of the Female - Auberge d’Italie, Valletta MT Malta
Call for Artists: New York and Eurpean Workshops 2005 and 2006 - Creativity Workshops, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Version 2004 - SIMulation City - Saint-Gervais - Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine, Geneve CH
Ian Jeffrey: Universal Pictures - Kettle's Yard Gallery, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK United Kingdom
Call for Aritsts: Art of Music Exhibition - Smithtown Township Arts Council, St. James, NY, USA United States of America
Focus Exhibition on Works: Alfred Stieglitz and Georgia O’Keeffe - Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Juried Alumni Exhibition to Feature Work by Ruslan Khais - Gallery 128, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, USA United States of America
Call for Artists: COURSE IN CONTEMPORARY ART, 23-29 April 2007 - TIPP - Tihany International Postgraduate Program, Budapest HU Hungary
Francesca Guffanti: Dangerous Minds - CACT - centro d'arte contemporanea ticino, Bellinzona CH Switzerland
Setyo Mardiyantoro: From a Sea to Another Sea - Il Ramo d'Oro, Naples IT Italy