Felix Faure 1841-99 President of the Republic, in the Mines at Lens, from Le Petit Journal, 11th december 1898 Reproduction

by Tofani


Title:Felix Faure 1841-99 President of the Republic, in the Mines at Lens, from Le Petit Journal, 11th december 1898
Artist:Oswaldo Tofani Reproductions




Next Paintings

Felix Faure 1841-99 with the firemen, from Le Petit Journal, 20th February 1898 Reproduction
Fire at the Bazar de la Charite, 4th May 1897, from Le Petit Journal, 16th May 1897 Reproduction
Fire in the Scene Dock of the Opera de Paris, from Le Petit Journal, 22nd January 1894 Reproduction
Fire in the Scene Dock of the Opera de Paris, from Le Petit Journal, 22nd January 1894 Reproduction
Jubilee of the Queen of England The Cortege, illustration from Le Petit Journal, 27 June 1897 Reproduction
Jubilee of the Queen of England The Cortege, illustration from Le Petit Journal, 27 June 1897 Reproduction
Jules Dalou 1838-1902 being awarded with the medal of the Legion of Honour by Emile Loubet 1838-1929 from Le Petit Journal, 4th December 1899 Reproduction
Little Red Riding Hood or France losing Fachoda to England, illustrated title page from Le Petit Journal, 20th November 1898 Reproduction
M. le Myre de Vilers in Madagascar, illustration from Le Petit Journal, 22th October 1894 Reproduction
Madame Faure at the Fourcade Creche, from Le Petit Journal, 5th April 1896 Reproduction

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