Series Szep Ilonka- II. The Surprise 1866 Reproduction

by Petrich


The Breton Coast I Reproduction

Title:Series Szep Ilonka- II. The Surprise 1866
Artist:Soma Orlai Petrich Reproductions


Painted tabletop for Erasmus Stedelin (detail-1) 1533 Reproduction
Flower Still-Life Reproduction


Next Paintings

Series Szep Ilonka- III. The Introduction 1866 Reproduction
Series Szep Ilonka- IV. The Toast 1866 Reproduction
Series Szep Ilonka- V. Farewell 1866 Reproduction
Series Szep Ilonka- VI. The Recognition 1865 Reproduction
Series Szep Ilonka- VII. Bewailing 1865 Reproduction
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Sketch to the Zaoch Felician Reproduction
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