The Reapers, 1783 Reproduction

by Stubbs


View of a timber cofferdam enclosing pile drivers and hoists for London Bridge, 1826 Reproduction

Title:The Reapers, 1783
Artist:George Stubbs Reproductions


Sleep and his Half-brother Death 1874 Reproduction


Next Paintings

The Rev. Robert Carter Thelwall and Family Reproduction
The Rev. Robert Carter Thelwall and Family Reproduction
The Slate Quarry Reproduction
The Study of Muscles Ecorche Drawing Seen from the Flank, from the 13th Anatomical Table, from the Anatomy of the Horse, 1766 Reproduction
The Study of Muscles Frontal and Rear Views, from the 13th Anatomical Table, from the Anatomy of the Horse, 1766 Reproduction
Third Anatomical Table, from The Anatomy of the Horse Reproduction
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