Eloquent Visions: Outsider and Visionary Art - Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: 23rd Annual Juried Competition - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Orbus: Ellen Gallagher - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh UK United Kingdom
The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama - Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA
Matthew Bradley The Weet-Bix Kid - Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, SA, AU
Dobell Prize for Drawing 2007 - Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney AU Australia
Manifestations of the Imagination II - Gallerie Icosahedron, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Lonely Long Meaningless Way Home: Johannes Kahrs - Parasol Unit, London UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: Ten Scholarships in International MFA Program - Transart Institute, O.K. Center for Contemporary Art, Linz AT Austria
Dialogues with Engravings: Angela Costa, Guilhrme Cardoso, Liliana Almeida, Margarida Ransy and Marina dos Santos - Galeria do Teatro Municipal Baltazar Nunes, Funchal ES Spain
Andrea Way: Drawings - Brian Gross Fine Art, San Francisco, CA, USA United States of America