Suddenly a Half Door Opened and there Stood a Little Man, from The Garden Behind the Moon, published 1895 Reproduction

by Pyle


Title:Suddenly a Half Door Opened and there Stood a Little Man, from The Garden Behind the Moon, published 1895
Artist:Howard Pyle Reproductions




Next Paintings

Tailpiece for The Mysterious Chest by Howard Pyle, published in Harpers Monthly Magazine, December 1908 Reproduction
The Attack Upon the Chew House, from The Story of the Revolution by Henry Cabot Lodge 1850-1924, published in Scribners Magazine, June 1898 Reproduction
The Boat and I Went by him with a Rush, from Sinbad on Burrator, by Arthur Quiller-Couch 1863-1944, published in Scribners Magazine, August 1902 Reproduction
The Boston Tea Party, illustration from Harpers Magazine, 1901 Reproduction
The Buccaneer Was a Picturesque Fellow, from The Fate of Treasure Town by Howard Pyle, published in Harpers Monthly Magazine, December 1905 Reproduction
The Coming of Lancaster, 1908 Reproduction
The Connecticut Settlers Entering the Western Reserve Reproduction
The Dancer, from Lola by Perceval Gibbon 1879-1926, published in Harpers Monthly Magazine, January 1909 Reproduction

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