Call for Artists: International Yearbook 2009 - Latino Art Museum, Pomona, CA, USA United States of America
Lawrence Buttigieg: Views of the Female - Auberge d’Italie, Valletta MT Malta
Call for Artists: New York and Eurpean Workshops 2005 and 2006 - Creativity Workshops, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Call to Artists: Nancie Mattice Award for Emerging International Artists 2006 - Dangenart Gallery, Nashville, TN, USA United States of America
Synthia Saint James' Circle of Promise to be Unveiled - Neweums, Washington, DC, USA United States of America
Prints: Limited Editions and Monotypes - Sin Sin Fine Art, Hong Kong HK Hong Kong
Call for Artists: S1 Salon 2008 - A Season of Artist Film and Video Screenings - S1 Artspace, Sheffield UK United Kingdom
Sense of the City - Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, QC, CA Canada
Colour: John Nolan - Living, Dublin IE Ireland
Didier Rittener - Storm Breeder - attitudes - espace d'arts contemporains, Geneva CH Switzerland
Pascal Rousson: The House of Pain - Vegas Gallery, London UK United Kingdom