Helene Mukhtar: East-West Graffiti - Art Gotham Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Relics of the Sea: Still Life Painting by Melody Phaneuf - North Shore Arts, Gloucester, MA, USA United States of America
Installation in Nature: Matthew Chase-Daniel - Stichting Natuurkunst Drenthe, Sleen NL Netherlands
An Economy of Specific Bodies and Particular Objects: Philip Pearlstein Drawings - Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, USA
BRENDA ZLAMANY Facing Family - Jonathan O'Hara Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Women in the Arts 2005: Celebrating the Women International Month - Museum of the Americas, Miami, FL, USA United States of America
Call to Artists: Applications Being Accepted for Residency Program - Kamiyama Artist-in Residence (KAIR), Myozai-gun JP Japan
Edge of Hong Kong: Lui Chun Kwong, Almond Chu, David Clarke, Woody Lee and Chow Chun Fai - Edge Gallery, Hong Kong HK Hong Kong
The Voice of Art in a Battle for Freedom: International Artists Create Book in Support of Key Political Figure - Micra Art Group, Skogas SE Sweden
Third Course in Contemporary Art Offered in September - TIPP - Tihany International Postgraduate Program, Budapest HU Hungary
Callf or Artists: Residencies to Bridge Technological Innovation and Artistic Creativity - DIVERGENTES 2005, Donostia - San Sebastián ES Spain