Flaming Red Cloth: Color and Design in the Weavings of the Iban of Borneo - Cantor Arts Center Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA United States of America
To the Ends of the Earth, Painting the Polar Landscape - Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, USA United States of America
Spirits of Stone - Aboriginals: Art of the First Person, Sanibel, FL, USA United States of America
Call for Proposals: 2009-2010 Exhibitions Open Call - Art League Houston, Houston, TX, USA United States of America
To Delight the Eye: French Drawings and Paintings from the Collection of Charles E. Dunlap - Fogg Art Museum, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA
Call for Artists: Book, Website and Offline Project - Scan your Skin , USA United States of America
Inaugural Invitational Exhibition - Gallery Western, Los Angeles, CA, USA United States of America
Call for Artists: International Assemblage Artist Exhibition - gallery twenty-four, Berlin DE Germany
Arcadian Folly: Timothy Preston - Groundfloor Gallery, Balmain, NS, AU Australia
Barnaby Hosking / MATRIX 155 - Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT, USA United States of America
Call for Artists: 4Culture + Mt. Si Bridge Replacement Project - Public Art 4 Culture, Seattle, WA, USA United States