No. 16 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin- 7. Visitation 1306 Reproduction

by Di Bondone


Title:No. 16 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin- 7. Visitation 1306
Artist:Giotto Di Bondone Reproductions




Next Paintings

No. 17 Scenes from the Life of Christ- 1. Nativity- Birth of Jesus (detail) 1304-06 Reproduction
No. 17 Scenes from the Life of Christ- 1. Nativity- Birth of Jesus 1304-06 Reproduction
No. 18 Scenes from the Life of Christ- 2. Adoration of the Magi (detail) 1304-06 Reproduction
No. 18 Scenes from the Life of Christ- 2. Adoration of the Magi 1304-06 Reproduction
No. 19 Scenes from the Life of Christ- 3. Presentation of Christ at the Temple 1304 Reproduction
No. 2 Scenes from the Life of Joachim- 2. Joachim among the Shepherds 1304-06 Reproduction
No. 20 Scenes from the Life of Christ- 4. Flight into Egypt 1304-06 Reproduction
No. 21 Scenes from the Life of Christ- 5. Massacre of the Innocents 1304-06 Reproduction

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