Eloquent Visions: Outsider and Visionary Art - Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: 23rd Annual Juried Competition - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Orbus: Ellen Gallagher - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh UK United Kingdom
Dialogues with Engravings: Angela Costa, Guilhrme Cardoso, Liliana Almeida, Margarida Ransy and Marina dos Santos - Galeria do Teatro Municipal Baltazar Nunes, Funchal ES Spain
Exhibition to Feature Works by Edward Longo - Leonardo Da Vinci Restaurant, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Call for Artists: New Orleans Artists, Writers, Musicians, Performers, COME HOME! - Studio in the Woods (ASITW), New Orleans, LA, USA United States of America
Heather & Ivan Morison, Yoshua Okon, Gerry Smith, Gitte Villesen, Zöe Walker - Pump House Gallery, London UK United Kingdom
Open House: Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living - Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, USA United States of America
Gail Harvey: New Works - Adam Gallery, London UK United Kingdom
Acting Out: Invented Melodrama in Contemporary Photography - Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY, USA
focus: Inigo Manglano-Ovalle - Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA