Reproductions by Theodore Chasseriau

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Andromeda Tied to the Rock by the Nereids, 1840 Reproduction

Apollo and Daphne, c.1845 Reproduction

Bazaar In Orleans Reproduction

Ali Ben Ahmed, the Last Caliph of Constantine, with his Entourage outside Constantine, 1845 Reproduction

The Angel Reproduction

Arab Tribal Chiefs in Single Combat, under the Ramparts of a Town, 1852 Reproduction

Harem Reproduction

Macbeth Reproduction
Macbeth Reproduction

Candaule, King of Lydia, Showing the Beauty of his Queen to his Confidant Gyges, 1850 Reproduction

Reclining Odalisque, 1853 Reproduction

Arab Horsemen Carrying Away their Dead, 1850 Reproduction

The Tepidarium, 1853 Reproduction

Orientalist Interior 1850-52 Reproduction

Desdemona Retiring to her Bed, 1849 Reproduction

Mademoiselle Marie-Therese de Cabarrus, 1848 Reproduction

Venus Anadyomene, or Venus of the Sea, 1838 Reproduction

Dance of the Handkerchiefs, 1849 Reproduction

Sleeping Nymph, 1850 Reproduction

Male Nude Reproduction

Peace 1844-48 Reproduction

Hadji, an Arabian Stallion, 1853 Reproduction

The Ghost of Banquo Reproduction

Saint Philip baptizing the Eunuch of the Queen of Ethiopia Reproduction

Esther Preparing to be Presented to King Ahasuerus (or The Toilet of Esther) Reproduction

Aline Chasseriau (1822-71) 1835 Reproduction

Petit Taleb (Poete Arabe) Reproduction

Macbeth and the Three Witches, 1855 Reproduction

An Angel, study for the Mount of Olives, 1840 Reproduction

Young Teleb Seated Reproduction

Tepidarium Reproduction

Standing Female Nude, study for the central figure of 'The Tepidarium', 1853 Reproduction

Portrait Of The Reverend Father Dominique Lacordaire Of The Order Of The Predicant Friars Reproduction

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Paintings of The Day

Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) 7th President of the United States Reproduction
Scene 1, Comparison of celebrated beauties and the loyal league, c.1797 Reproduction
Boo-ay-ah Alligator, from 'Drawings of Animals, Insects and Reptiles from Malacca', c.1805-18 Reproduction
Girl before the Piano, late c19th Reproduction
Portrait of a Woman 2 Reproduction
Morning in Venice Reproduction
Le grand nu Reproduction
For the Championship of the Back-Lot League (The Football Game) Reproduction

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