Reproductions by Hans Makart

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Die Niljagd der Kleopatra (The Nile Hunt of Cleopatra) Reproduction
Die Niljagd der Kleopatra (The Nile Hunt of Cleopatra) Reproduction

Abundantia The Gifts Of The Earth Reproduction
Abundantia The Gifts Of The Earth Reproduction

An Elegant Lady Reproduction
An Elegant Lady Reproduction

Abundantia The Gifts Of The Sea Reproduction
Abundantia The Gifts Of The Sea Reproduction

Entwürfe für Einen Palast, Fassade (Studies for a palace, façade) Reproduction
Entwürfe für Einen Palast, Fassade (Studies for a palace, façade) Reproduction

Der Jubiläumszug: Festwagen der Jagd (The Anniversary Parade: Feast Wagen of the Hunt) Reproduction
Der Jubiläumszug: Festwagen der Jagd (The Anniversary Parade: Feast Wagen of the Hunt) Reproduction

Karoline Gomperz Reproduction
Karoline Gomperz Reproduction

Anna Von Waldberg Reproduction
Anna Von Waldberg Reproduction

Die Ernte (The Harvest) Reproduction
Die Ernte (The Harvest) Reproduction

Entwürfe für Einen Palast, Rückseit und (aufgeklebter) Grundriss (Studies for a palace, Rueckseit and (more glued on) a sketch) Reproduction
Entwürfe für Einen Palast, Rückseit und (aufgeklebter) Grundriss (Studies for a palace, Rueckseit and (more glued on) a sketch) Reproduction

Charlotte Wolter als 'Messalina' (Charlotte Wolter as 'Messalina') Reproduction
Charlotte Wolter als 'Messalina' (Charlotte Wolter as 'Messalina') Reproduction

Der Triumph der Ariadne (The Triumph of Ariadne) Reproduction
Der Triumph der Ariadne (The Triumph of Ariadne) Reproduction

Hermesvilla Ceiling Paintings Reproduction
Hermesvilla Ceiling Paintings Reproduction

The Dream After The Ball Reproduction
The Dream After The Ball Reproduction

Marmorherzen Reproduction
Marmorherzen Reproduction

Hanna Klinkosch Reproduction
Hanna Klinkosch Reproduction

Sarah Bernhardt Reproduction
Sarah Bernhardt Reproduction

Ein Putto reinigt die Waffen des Mars Reproduction
Ein Putto reinigt die Waffen des Mars Reproduction

Gotische Grabkirche St Michael Seitenansicht [Gothic Cemetary St Michaels Side View] Reproduction
Gotische Grabkirche St Michael Seitenansicht [Gothic Cemetary St Michaels Side View] Reproduction

Dame am Spinett (Lady at the Spinett) Reproduction
Dame am Spinett (Lady at the Spinett) Reproduction

Der Sieg des Lichts Über die Finsternis (The Victory of Light over Darkness) Reproduction
Der Sieg des Lichts Über die Finsternis (The Victory of Light over Darkness) Reproduction

'Sinnbild des fröhlichen Lebensgenusses' (
'Sinnbild des fröhlichen Lebensgenusses' ("Symbol of the merry life") Reproduction

Der Tod der Kleopatra (The Death of Cleopatra) Reproduction
Der Tod der Kleopatra (The Death of Cleopatra) Reproduction

Faun und Nymph (Pan und Flora) (Faun and Nymph (Pan and Flora)) Reproduction
Faun und Nymph (Pan und Flora) (Faun and Nymph (Pan and Flora)) Reproduction

Helene Racowitza As Walkure Reproduction
Helene Racowitza As Walkure Reproduction

Zerline Gabillon Reproduction
Zerline Gabillon Reproduction

Alegorie auf die Lebenslust (Allegory of Lust for Life) Reproduction
Alegorie auf die Lebenslust (Allegory of Lust for Life) Reproduction

brevoort kane Reproduction
brevoort kane Reproduction

Das schlafende Schneewittchen (Snow White Sleeping) Reproduction
Das schlafende Schneewittchen (Snow White Sleeping) Reproduction

Portrait Of A Lady With Red Plumed Hat Reproduction
Portrait Of A Lady With Red Plumed Hat Reproduction

Venedig Huldigt Caterina Cornaro (Venice Pays Homage to Caterina Cornaro) Reproduction
Venedig Huldigt Caterina Cornaro (Venice Pays Homage to Caterina Cornaro) Reproduction

Die Falknerin (The Falconress) Reproduction
Die Falknerin (The Falconress) Reproduction

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Hans Leinberger
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Hans Leonhard Schaufelein
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Hans (Johann von Strasiripka) Canon
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Hans Anderson Brendekilde
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Hans August Lasser
Hans De Jode Reproductions
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Paintings of The Day

Lili Butler in Claude Monet's Garden Reproduction
Lili Butler in Claude Monet's Garden Reproduction
A Good Book Reproduction
A Good Book Reproduction
Evening at the Sea, Quiberon Reproduction
Evening at the Sea, Quiberon Reproduction
The Gardens of Generalife in Grenada Reproduction
The Gardens of Generalife in Grenada Reproduction
Hocheisgruppe, Austria Reproduction
Hocheisgruppe, Austria Reproduction
A Bay Hunter With Two Spaniels Reproduction
A Bay Hunter With Two Spaniels Reproduction
The Inferno, Canto 9, lines 124-126: “He answer thus return’d: The arch-heretics are here, accompanied By every sect their followers;” Reproduction
The Inferno, Canto 9, lines 124-126: “He answer thus return’d: The arch-heretics are here, accompanied By every sect their followers;” Reproduction
Yachts Racing off the Castle Cowes Reproduction
Yachts Racing off the Castle Cowes Reproduction

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Paintings by Jessica Dunn and Pedro Corte Real - Corte Real Gallery, Paderne PT Portugal
EU-MAN Presents The Third Culture - PURISTAMO of the Cable Factory, Helsinki FI Finland
Project Room: Quentin Curry - Kantor / Feuer Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA United States of America
Michele Silk: Being Frank... - artSPACE durban, Durban ZA South Africa
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Explorations: A Solo Exhibition by Melanie Prapopoulos - Ico Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Carving a Legacy: Innovation in Coast Salish Art - Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA, USA United States of America