Reproductions by Ralph Earl

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Elijah Boardman 1789 Reproduction
Elijah Boardman 1789 Reproduction

John Phelps Reproduction
John Phelps Reproduction

Portrait of Roger Sherman 1775 Reproduction
Portrait of Roger Sherman 1775 Reproduction

Colonel Samuel Talcott Reproduction
Colonel Samuel Talcott Reproduction

Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge and son William Talmadge Reproduction
Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge and son William Talmadge Reproduction

Daniel Boardman Reproduction

Dr. Mason Fitch Cogswell Reproduction
Dr. Mason Fitch Cogswell Reproduction

Sherman Boardman Reproduction
Sherman Boardman Reproduction

Benjamin S. Judah Reproduction
Benjamin S. Judah Reproduction

Baron von Steuben Reproduction
Baron von Steuben Reproduction

Lady Williams and Child Reproduction
Lady Williams and Child Reproduction

Esther Boardman I Reproduction
Esther Boardman I Reproduction

Ann Whiteside Earl Reproduction
Ann Whiteside Earl Reproduction

David Baldwin Reproduction
David Baldwin Reproduction

Mrs. John Watson Reproduction
Mrs. John Watson Reproduction

Colonel George Onslow Reproduction
Colonel George Onslow Reproduction

Reclining Hunter Reproduction
Reclining Hunter Reproduction

Colonel William Taylor Reproduction
Colonel William Taylor Reproduction

Hulda Bradley Reproduction
Hulda Bradley Reproduction

Captain Elijah Dewey Reproduction
Captain Elijah Dewey Reproduction

A Gentleman with a Gun and Two Dogs Reproduction
A Gentleman with a Gun and Two Dogs Reproduction

Captian John Pratt, Middletown, Connecticut Reproduction
Captian John Pratt, Middletown, Connecticut Reproduction

Admiral Richard Kempenfelt Reproduction
Admiral Richard Kempenfelt Reproduction

Colonel William Floyd Reproduction
Colonel William Floyd Reproduction

Houses Fronting New Milford Green Reproduction
Houses Fronting New Milford Green Reproduction

William Carpenter Reproduction
William Carpenter Reproduction

Mary Ann Carpenter Reproduction
Mary Ann Carpenter Reproduction

Dr. Joseph Trumbull Reproduction
Dr. Joseph Trumbull Reproduction

Master Rees Goring Thomas Reproduction
Master Rees Goring Thomas Reproduction

Mrs. Williams Reproduction
Mrs. Williams Reproduction

Mrs. Charles Jeffery Smith Reproduction

Marianne Drake Reproduction
Marianne Drake Reproduction

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Ralph Albert Blakelock Reproductions
Ralph Albert Blakelock
Ralph Barton
Ralph Cleaver Reproductions
Ralph Cleaver
Ralph Albert Blakelock Reproductions
Ralph Albert Blakelock
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Ralph Hedley
Ralph Rowland Reproductions
Ralph Rowland
Ralph Stennett Reproductions
Ralph Stennett

Paintings of The Day

Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) 7th President of the United States Reproduction
Scene 1, Comparison of celebrated beauties and the loyal league, c.1797 Reproduction
Boo-ay-ah Alligator, from 'Drawings of Animals, Insects and Reptiles from Malacca', c.1805-18 Reproduction
Girl before the Piano, late c19th Reproduction
Portrait of a Woman 2 Reproduction
Morning in Venice Reproduction
Le grand nu Reproduction
For the Championship of the Back-Lot League (The Football Game) Reproduction

Art related news

Eloquent Visions: Outsider and Visionary Art - Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: 23rd Annual Juried Competition - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Orbus: Ellen Gallagher - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh UK United Kingdom
Material: Contemporary Ceramic Sculptors - Jonathan Ferrara Gallery, New Orleans, LA, USA United States of America
International Collective Show of Contemporary Art: Ars Latina - Pinacoteca Comunale, Porto Recanati IT Italy
Jason Coburn: Eighteen - Coleman Project Space, London UK United Kingdom
Fumiko Amano: Sonic Landscapes - Lawrence Asher Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA United States of America
Edward Walton Wilcox: Crimes Of Romance - Cella Gallery, North Hollywood, CA, USA United States of America
Recent Work by Wang Du - Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA
Reliable Disappointment: Megan Foster and OUT:Tom Kotik - Black and White Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA United States of America
Greenland: Muhammad Rojana-Udomsat - Elle Six Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur MY Malaysia