Flaming Red Cloth: Color and Design in the Weavings of the Iban of Borneo - Cantor Arts Center Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA United States of America
To the Ends of the Earth, Painting the Polar Landscape - Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, USA United States of America
Spirits of Stone - Aboriginals: Art of the First Person, Sanibel, FL, USA United States of America
Call for Artists: SurViving/AboutLive - Stichting Natuurkunst Drenthe, Sleen NL Netherlands
The Voice of Art in a Battle for Freedom: International Artists Create Book in Support of Key Political Figure - Micra Art Group, Skogas SE Sweden
Open House: Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living - Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, USA United States of America
Greenland: Muhammad Rojana-Udomsat - Elle Six Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur MY Malaysia
Wilhelm Sasnal: Years of Struggle - Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento, Trento IT Italy
The Allegory of Form: Elie Bou Zeidan, K L Campbell, Efrain Cruz, Thierry Fazian, Patrice Goubeau, Timo Hanley - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Call for Artists and Curators: Proposals Sought for 2008 - Physics Room, Christchurch NZ New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Graciela Sacco: Sombras del Sur y del Norte / Shadows from the South and the North - Stephen Cohen Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA United States of America