Reproductions by Leonardo Da Vinci

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Landscape drawing for Santa Maria della Neve on 5th August 1473 Reproduction

Portrait of a Musician (Ritratto di musico) Reproduction

Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate Reproduction

The Virgin and Child with St Anne (detail 1) c. 1510 Reproduction

Virgin and Child with St. Anne and the Infant of St. John (Sant'Anna, la Vergine, il Bambino e san Giovannino) Reproduction

The Battle of Anghiari (detail 2) 1503-05 Reproduction

The Madonna of the Carnation (detail 2) 1478-80 Reproduction

Studies of human skull Reproduction

Galloping Rider and other figures Reproduction

Virgin of the Rocks Reproduction

Double manuscript page on the Sforza monument c. 1493 Reproduction

Virgin of the Rocks (detail 1) 1483-86 Reproduction

Star of Bethlehem and other plants Reproduction

The Virgin and Child with St Anne (detail 2) c. 1510 Reproduction

Study of horses for the Battle of Anghiari 1503-04 Reproduction

Study for Madonna and Child with St Anne Reproduction

Studies of Leda and a horse Reproduction

Head of a woman Reproduction

Heads of an old man and a youth Reproduction

Madonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John Reproduction

Study for the Burlington House Cartoon Reproduction

Study for the Trivulzio monument (2) 1508-12 Reproduction

Head of a Man Reproduction

Study of a child Reproduction

Madonna with the Yarnwinder Reproduction

Study for the Madonna with the Fruit Bowl c. 1478 Reproduction

Study 1478-80 Reproduction

Head of a Warrior (or 'The Red Head') Reproduction

Study of battles on horseback and on foot 1503-04 Reproduction

Study of battles on horseback and on foot (2) 1503-04 Reproduction

Isabella d'Este Reproduction

Study of an Old Man's Profile Reproduction

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Leonardo Antonio de Castro
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Paintings of The Day

Children On The Beach At Guernsey Reproduction
The Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne c. 1713 Reproduction
The Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne c. 1713 Reproduction
A Bouquet Of Spring Flowers On A Ledge Reproduction
A Bouquet Of Spring Flowers On A Ledge Reproduction
Landscape with Cow Reproduction
The Bather I Reproduction
Study for "Fortune", Albany Murals Reproduction
Mass for the Order of Trinitarians, 1666 Reproduction
George Washington(The Constable-Hamilton Portrait) Reproduction

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