Flaming Red Cloth: Color and Design in the Weavings of the Iban of Borneo - Cantor Arts Center Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA United States of America
To the Ends of the Earth, Painting the Polar Landscape - Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, USA United States of America
Spirits of Stone - Aboriginals: Art of the First Person, Sanibel, FL, USA United States of America
“Human Destiny” - Sculpture by Nakis Tastsioglou - Medusa Gallery, Athens GR Greece
What I Am: Photographic and Textiles Exhibition by Elisa Markes-Young and Christopher Young - Breadbox, Northbridge, WA, AU Australia
Call for Artists: Fourth Annual Fair to be Held at Christchurch - Inspired Art Fair, London UK United Kingdom
Michael Pettit: A Two Part Solo Exhibit - AVA - Association for Visual Arts, Cape Town ZA South Africa
Portraiture: Identity - University of Virginia Art Museum, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Mike Hoolboom: The Invisible Man - Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, ON, CA Canada
Red Eyes and Sticky Fingers: Collage and Photomedia - Australian Center for Photography, Paddington, NS, AU
Eclectic Art Explosion II - ArtGallery and Bar, London UK United Kingdom