Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - Barcelona

Displaying Page 1 of 1   1   24 reproductions

Last Supper c. 1470 Reproduction
Jaume Huguet: Last Supper c. 1470 Reproduction
ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
The Archangel Michael Reproduction
Juan De La Abadia: The Archangel Michael Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: Christ in Glory, from the Church of San Clemente de Tahull, Lerida, Spain Reproduction
Jaume Huguet: The Archangel St Michael 1456 Reproduction
Jaume Huguet: The Consacration of St Augustine 1466-75 Reproduction
Catalan Unknown Masters: Christ and the Twelve Apostles c. 1100 Reproduction
Jaume Huguet: Vinzenz Altarpiece c. 1458 Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: The Virgin Mary, from the Church of San Clemente de Tahull, Lerida Reproduction
Jaume Huguet: Triptych of Saint George 1459-60 Reproduction
Jaume Huguet: Triptych of Saint George (detail) 1459-60 Reproduction
Catalan Unknown Masters: Tomb of Don Sancho Saiz de Carillo (detail-1) c. 1300 Reproduction
Pere Garcia: Madonna with Music-Making Angels 1460-70 Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: Side panel from an altarpiece dedicated to St. Paul, c.1200 Reproduction
Scenes from the Life of Jesus Reproduction
Catalan Unknown Masters: Scenes from the Life of Jesus Reproduction
Catalan Unknown Masters: Nativity 1200-50 Reproduction
Pedro Serra: Madonna and Child with Angels Playing Music 1390s Reproduction
Catalan Unknown Masters: The Fight between David and Goliath 1123 Reproduction
Spanish Unknown Masters: The Annunciation c. 1430 Reproduction
Pedro Serra: Madonna with Angels Playing Music 1390s Reproduction
Catalan Unknown Masters: Tomb of Don Sancho Saiz de Carillo (detail-2) c. 1300 Reproduction
Catalan Unknown Masters: Tomb of Don Sancho Saiz de Carillo (detail-3) c. 1300 Reproduction
Francisco De Zurbaran: St. Francis of Assisi Reproduction
Spanish Unknown Masters: Scenes from the Life of St Dominic 1300-20 Reproduction
Displaying Page 1 of 1   1   24 reproductions

Museum of the day: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - Barcelona

Last Supper c. 1470 Reproduction
Last Supper c. 1470 Reproduction
The Archangel St Michael 1456 Reproduction
The Archangel St Michael 1456 Reproduction
ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
The Archangel Michael Reproduction
The Archangel Michael Reproduction
Christ in Glory, from the Church of San Clemente de Tahull, Lerida, Spain Reproduction
Christ in Glory, from the Church of San Clemente de Tahull, Lerida, Spain Reproduction
The Consacration of St Augustine 1466-75 Reproduction
The Consacration of St Augustine 1466-75 Reproduction
Christ and the Twelve Apostles c. 1100 Reproduction
Christ and the Twelve Apostles c. 1100 Reproduction
Vinzenz Altarpiece c. 1458 Reproduction
Vinzenz Altarpiece c. 1458 Reproduction

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