Eloquent Visions: Outsider and Visionary Art - Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: 23rd Annual Juried Competition - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Orbus: Ellen Gallagher - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: Book, Website and Offline Project - Scan your Skin , USA United States of America
Marc Quinn: Flesh - Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin IE
A Life Full of Holes - The Strait Project: Photographs by Yto Barrada - Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool UK United Kingdom
Figuratively Speaking: A Group Exhibition - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
The Challenge of the Tie: Artists from Croatia and Africa Create Images Based on Neckwear - gordart Gallery, Johannesburg ZA South Africa
Andalusian International Artists Group - Gallery Van Gestel, Marabella ES Spain
Honky Tonk: An exhibition of Portraits of Country Music 1972-1981 by Henry Horenstein - hug - Gallery for International Photography, Amsterdam NL Netherlands
Random Utterness 2: Mara Bodis-Wollner, Andras Borocz, Andrea Dezso, Shandor Hassan, Thomas Lendvai, Anna Pasztor and Tamas Revesz - Hungarian Cultural Center, New York, NY, USA United States of America