'Birmingham', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1830 Reproduction

by Herring Snr


Title:'Birmingham', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1830
Artist:John Frederick Herring Snr Reproductions


A Corner of the Garden at the Hermitage, Pontoise, 1877 Reproduction


Next Paintings

'Bloomsbury', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1839 Reproduction
'Bloomsbury', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1839 Reproduction
'Cadland', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1828 Reproduction
'Cadland', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1828 Reproduction
'Charles XII' and 'Euclid', The Decisive Heat for the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1839 Reproduction
'Charles XII', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1839 Reproduction
'Charles XII', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1839 Reproduction
'Chorister', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1831 Reproduction
'Chorister', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1831 Reproduction
'Crucifix', Winner of the St Leger Reproduction
'Crucifix', Winner of the St Leger Reproduction
'Dangerous', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1833 Reproduction
'Dangerous', the Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1833 Reproduction
'Don John', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1838 Reproduction
'Don John', the Winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster, 1838 Reproduction

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