Flaming Red Cloth: Color and Design in the Weavings of the Iban of Borneo - Cantor Arts Center Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA United States of America
To the Ends of the Earth, Painting the Polar Landscape - Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, USA United States of America
Spirits of Stone - Aboriginals: Art of the First Person, Sanibel, FL, USA United States of America
Artist to Artist Hamburg 2008 - Forum Alstertal, Hamburg DE Germany
Seeing New Directions - And the Luxurious: Clay Bodvin - Waikato Museum of Art - ArtsPost, Hamilton NZ New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Snap Judgments – New Positions in Contemporary African Photography - Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam NL
Call for Artists: New Photography - Seeing Through the Socio-Anthropological Lens - AccessArts Publications Ltd., Lefkosia CY Cyprus
The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama - Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA
Call for Artists: Proposals Saught for Program 2005 - Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Gorman House, Manuka, AC, AU
I Feel Mysterious Today: 25 International Emerging and Established Contemporary Artists - Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Lake Worth, FL, USA
Synthia Saint James' Circle of Promise to be Unveiled - Neweums, Washington, DC, USA United States of America