Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs Paris

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Charles Frederick Worth 1825-95 Reproduction
Gaspard Felix Tournachon Nadar: Charles Frederick Worth 1825-95 Reproduction
Claude Nicolas Ledoux: Eye enclosing the theatre at Besancon Reproduction
Henri de Montaut: A Reading with the Concierge 2nd half 19th century Reproduction
Bertelli: Set of six vignettes depicting characters from the Commedia dell'Arte Reproduction
Arthur Duray in his Lorraine-Dietrich winning the Moscow-St Petersburg rally in 1907 1910 Reproduction
Ernest Montaut: Arthur Duray in his Lorraine-Dietrich winning the Moscow-St Petersburg rally in 1907 1910 Reproduction
Wilhelm Kranz: Cavemen during the Ice Age Reproduction
Hermann Hendrich: Will o the wisp and Snake Reproduction
Georg Koch: The French Armoured Cavalrymen charging at the battle of Sedan Reproduction
A Chinese Mandarin being Entertained Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: A Chinese Mandarin being Entertained Reproduction
F. Kuderna: Postcards depicting a woman blowing bubbles and fishing in a Champagne Glass Reproduction
Stanislas Grimaldi del Poggetto: Heroic incident during the Piedmontese campaign of the Italian war of Independence in 1848 Reproduction
Alfred Grevin: A Bearded Lady Reproduction
Maurice Leloir: Assassination of Henri IV by Francois Ravaillac in the rue de la Ferronerie on 14th May 1610 Reproduction
Harry Clarke: 'I know what you want' said the sea witch, illustration for 'The Little Mermaid' from Fairy Tales c, 1910 Reproduction
(after) Hoffbauer, Theodor Josef Hubert: The Roman Forum of Antiquity Reproduction
J. de la Neziere: Advertisements for umbrellas Les Ombrelles de lOpera 1906 Reproduction
Alexis Chataigner: Allegory of the Good Government of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) from 'Le Soutien de la France', c.1801 Reproduction
(after) Gagarin, Grigori Grigorevich: Skirmish of Persians and Kurds in Armenia 2 Reproduction
Jacques Onfray de Breville: Cats thrown into the bonfire in the Place de Greve Paris during the night of the summer solstice Reproduction
A group of Chinese bonzes Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: A group of Chinese bonzes Reproduction
Eugene Oge: Advertisement for Cure ToniDepurative by Laxadepurine 1900 Reproduction
Adolf Hofer: Little Red Riding Hood sees the Wolf in the Forest Reproduction
A Chinese Dragon (2) Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: A Chinese Dragon (2) Reproduction
Maurice Motet: Farmers and the tourist industry caricature from Le Journal pour Tous Reproduction
Convicts pulling a boat along the Volga River, Russia, 1873 Reproduction
Ilya Efimovich Efimovich Repin: Convicts pulling a boat along the Volga River, Russia, 1873 Reproduction
(after) Myrbach-Rheinfeld, Felicien baron de: Poverty in Paris The Passage Gergovie 1884 Reproduction
A Chinese Dragon Reproduction
Anonymous Artist: A Chinese Dragon Reproduction
L.F. Labrousse: A Chinese Emperor and Noble Woman Reproduction
Peasants Harvesting Vegetables near Kyoto in the Middle Ages Reproduction
(after) Gukei, Sumiyoshi Hirozumi: Peasants Harvesting Vegetables near Kyoto in the Middle Ages Reproduction
Maurice Leloir: Elegant meal during the Eighteenth century Reproduction
(after) Coeure, Sebastien: 'The Secret Message', c.1820 Reproduction
(after) Le Brun, Charles: Louis XIV 1638-1715 receiving the Papal Legate at Fontainebleau Reproduction
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Museum of the day: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - Barcelona

Last Supper c. 1470 Reproduction
Last Supper c. 1470 Reproduction
The Archangel St Michael 1456 Reproduction
The Archangel St Michael 1456 Reproduction
ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
ames I the Conqueror (1208-76) besieging Palma, Mallorca, 1229-30 Reproduction
The Archangel Michael Reproduction
The Archangel Michael Reproduction
Christ in Glory, from the Church of San Clemente de Tahull, Lerida, Spain Reproduction
Christ in Glory, from the Church of San Clemente de Tahull, Lerida, Spain Reproduction
The Consacration of St Augustine 1466-75 Reproduction
The Consacration of St Augustine 1466-75 Reproduction
Christ and the Twelve Apostles c. 1100 Reproduction
Christ and the Twelve Apostles c. 1100 Reproduction
Vinzenz Altarpiece c. 1458 Reproduction
Vinzenz Altarpiece c. 1458 Reproduction

Art related news

Eloquent Visions: Outsider and Visionary Art - Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: 23rd Annual Juried Competition - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Orbus: Ellen Gallagher - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh UK United Kingdom
Manipulation of Body and Mind: Artwork by Jody Krevens and Stephanie Sypsa - Studio Ash, Columbus, OH, USA United States of America
Mirror of Our Obsessions and Fears - Black and White Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA United States of America
Uplift: The Mountain Premises - Sean Slemon 's Newest Work - Premises Gallery at Johannesburg Civic Theatre, Johannesburg ZA South Africa
Call for Artists: CarteBlanche - Canadian Photographers - Magenta Foundation, Toronto, ON, CA Canada
After Hiroshima: Nuclear Imaginaries - Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London USA United States of America
Jenny E. Balisle: Dark to Light - Hang Art, San Francisco, CA, USA United States of America
Call for Artists: Now Accepting Exhibition Proposals for the 2008 Exhibition Season - Gallery Vertigo, Vernon, BC, CA Canada
Cambium: Allen Hirsh's Original Wood Constructions - Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto, ON, CA Canada