Eloquent Visions: Outsider and Visionary Art - Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham UK United Kingdom
Call for Artists: 23rd Annual Juried Competition - Agora Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Orbus: Ellen Gallagher - Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh UK United Kingdom
The Scenic Eye: Visual Arts and the Theatre - Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, Christchurch NZ New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Hugh Mendes: Death from Above - Sartorial Contemporary Art, London UK United Kingdom
153rd Autumn Exhibition: Paintings, Prints, Drawings, Sculpture, Architecture - Royal West of England Academy, Bristol UK United Kingdom
Laurel Garcia Colvin: Viajes del Agua-Viajes del Alma, Water Journeys-Soul Journeys - Ceres Gallery, New York, NY, USA United States of America
Time out of Joint (Suburban Gulliver): Andrea Crosa - CACT - centro d'arte contemporanea ticino, Bellinzona CH Switzerland
Contemporary European Abstraction: Recent Paintings and Sculptures from Established Polish, French and Dutch - Newmark Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA United States of America
Project Diversity: SPArC Art! - Tabla Rasa Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA United States of America
A Jefferson Ideal: Selections from the Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Landon III Collection of American Fine and Decorative Arts - University of Virginia Art Museum, Charlottesville, VA, USA